La Paz



  • Spanish


Ariel is a partner at Bufete Aguirre, Quintanilla, Soria & Nishizawa. He obtained his degree as Licentiate in Law from the University “Juan Misael Saracho” in Tarija, Bolivia (Suma Cum Lauden). He is charge of the litigation and arbitration practice in La Paz and is responsible of the attention of civil, commercial, labor, family and bankruptcy procedures. Also, he advises on matters related to arbitration and conciliation, contracts, labor law and social security, Estate and family Law, compliance, credits and warranties, collections and debt recovery.

With more than 25 year of professional experience, Ariel has acted as Permanent Secretary of the CODETAR Court; Auxiliary and Secretary of Courts on Civil Matters of the Court of Justice, Legal Advisor to the Development Corporation of Tarija; National Director of Tutelar and Adoption Services of ONAMFA.

He has been an invited lecturer of Commercial Law at the Commercial Institute Tarija and Procedures at Universidad Católica Boliviana. Also, he has acted as legal representative of several companies and as representative before different entities. He worked as an attorney at Estudio Jurídico C.R.& F. Rojas Abogados from 1996 to 2019, in charge of the litigation practice and responsible of procedures before several courts and / or entities. He cooperated in the implementation of new insurances in Bolivia.

He acted as responsible in the attention of judicial procedures of Financiera Acceso, Citibank N.A. Sucursal Bolivia, Banco Real de Brasil, Banco Nacional de Bolivia, Fortaleza Leasing, Bisa Seguros and Banco Unión, among others. He coordinated with the Executive Branch on projects for the defense of copyright and participated in seminars and forums related to the new Law on Intellectual Property and Copyright.

Ariel has participated as panelist on seminars organized in Panamá, Puerto Rico, Anrgentina and Perú, as well as in several events on arbitration, dispute resolution and mediation. He is external legal advisor to educative and religious entities, Embassies, International Cooperation Organisms and Insurance Companies, and member of the Permanent Council of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA) and the board of parents of the Hontanar Club for the integral development of families.

  • Licentiate in Law, Universidad “Juan Misael Saracho” Tarija Bolivia, 1994
  • Courses on litigation and conciliation
  • Ariel is listed in publications such as Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500, among others, as a recommended lawyer in Dispute Resolution.
  • The Inter-American Bar Association has recognized his continuous participation in several conferences on different countries.
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Bolivian Bar Association
  • La Paz Bar Association
  • Member of the Council of the Inter-American Bar Association