Operative Modifications Plurinational Service of the Commercial Registry – SEPREC

Administrative Resolution No. 219/2024 of May 13, 2024 issued by the Commercial Regsitry (SEPREC) approves the modification to the Guide of Procedures of the Commercial Registry, in its Procedure 46 related to “Operational Modifications” that the Commercial Companies can make.

The resolution also approves the User’s Manual for the Provision of Data, which in its Annex 1 defines operational changes as “… changes or modifications of referential data including the declaration of the Final Beneficiary of the commercial company or sole trader, for the purpose of updating them in the Commercial Registry.”

The procedure to file operative changes of any Company starts by accessing the SEPREC’s virtual platform, subsequently filling out the Virtual Registration Form, and finally, if there are no observations, the user will be able to obtain the corresponding Certificate.

SEPREC issues a Certificate of Registration of Operative Modifications, being this procedure free of charge.